DIY Wood Floor Cleaner

When people walk in to Bamboo Spa, almost always, the first thing they comment about is how great it smells! We LOVE essential oils and use them liberally around the spa, especially for cleaning. We also LOVE vinegar! Although the smell of vinegar can be pretty strong, most recipes call for it to be diluted and it evaporates pretty quickly. The benefits far outweigh any negatives. Did you know that white distilled vinegar is effective for killing most mold, bacteria, and germs, due to its level of acidity.

For an economical and environmentally friendly floor cleaner, we suggest mixing a solution of 3 drops dishwashing liquid to 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar, and 1/2 cup water. Add up to 10 drops of your favorite essential oils. You could try any of the citrus oil like grapefruit or lemon for a nice, spring feel. Or you could try peppermint for a fresh scent. You can always mix and match to suit your taste. Spray sparingly and mop for a fast clean-up. Happy Cleaning!

Essential Oil2



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